Software structure is usually defined as the organization of software elements (i.e., methods/attributes, classes/interfaces, and packages) within a piece of software [5]. It includes a set of software elements and a set of connections between every pair of software elements. With the increase of software complexity, software structure has become one of the most important factors that affect software stability. Changes in one part of software can propagate to other parts of software along with the connections between software elements.

software stability definition

Badri et al. [26] presented several impact rules which are based on Java language constructs and further proposed a new change impact analysis model for Java programs. Abuhassan and Alshayeb [27] proposed a suite of software stability metrics for three UML diagrams at the model level, i.e., class, use case, and sequence. Pan and Chai [28] proposed a Node Influence Network (NIN) to represent classes and their couplings and further proposed several metrics to quantify class stability and software stability. In this paper, we aim to characterize software stability via change propagation simulation. Each link in the CCN is assigned a weight to denote the probability that a change in one class (the tail end of the link) will propagate to another class (the head end of the link) connecting to it.

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software stability definition

Quantifies the scope that changes in node will influence in CCN. It is an indirect measurement of the influence power of node in the change propagation process. Thus, it is estimated that node with a larger value of should be much more important. There should be a positive correlation between the importance of a class and its . In this section, we treat as the importance of class node , and based on of each node to identify the important classes in software.

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For example, any change in node will propagate to node following link . The propagation process will not stop until there are no new nodes that are affected by the initial changed nodes. In the evaluation, some factors may affect the validity of our conclusions, i.e.,(i)A threat to the internal validity of our study is related to ground truth that we used to answer RQ4. Key classes in the ground truth are provided by the original developers of the software systems. However, these developers may be biased towards some parts of the software that they are familiar with. On one hand, our evaluation is performed on a small set of software systems when compared with the whole set of software in the world.

Thus, can be formally defined as , where is the node set of CCN, and is the number of simulations. Since varies with independent simulations, we cannot use it to quantify the change propagation process objectively. Thus, we use its averaged value over independent simulations.

Defining software scalability

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at what is stability testing, the definition of reliability testing, their objectives, and their subsets. You will find out why missing out on stability and reliability testing increases the software maintenance costs and why it is an absolute must for business managers. One of the key principles of the service orientation is the standardised service contract.

  • That is, we cannot estimate the specific value of for each node since we cannot estimate the future change requirement.
  • Obviously, in fact is the average number of nodes that are not affected by the changes in one node of CCN in the independent simulations.
  • This paper proposes to measure software stability from a network perspective (CCN) by using a simulation way.
  • As mentioned above, the extracted information will be formally represented by CCN.
  • Every component and modification — from code changes to system reconfiguration
    and even network infrastructure upgrades — need to be regression tested end-to-end.

Thus, when making a more redundant system, the system also becomes more complex and developers must consider balancing redundancy with complexity. Scalability testing is used to determine if software is effectively handling increasing workloads. This can be determined by gradually adding to the user load or data volume while monitoring system performance. Also, the workload may stay at the same level while resources such as CPUs and memory are changed. Performance testing is a form of software testing that focuses on how a system running the system performs under a particular load. Different performance testing types measures according to benchmarks and standards.