Channels to reach farmers: How Farm Aid is raising farm productivity and driving inclusive growth in Nigeria
One of the main thrusters for addressing rural poverty and food insecurity has been agricultural extension programmes. These programmes have the capabilities to transfer technology and promote rural learning among adult farmers. They also help farmers solve problems...
How to boost African agricultural productivity
Agriculture is one sector that is indispensable in the area of economic growth, food security, poverty alleviation, as well as subsistence and rural development in Nigeria. This is because, directly or indirectly, a greater population of rural inhabitants in Nigeria...
How Digitized Agricultural Extension Service Delivery is contributing to Food security in North East, Nigeria during a Pandemic like COVID-19. ( 5 Minutes Read)
The Agricultural sector is one of the most important sectors globally. In Nigeria, it employs over 30% of the population, with the larger percentage found in the North, particularly the North-East. While there is some form of modernization in the agriculture sector, a...
Impact of Mobile Technology in Agricultural Development (4 Minutes Read)
Mobile phone penetration in Nigeria hit 84% according to the Guardian Newspaper, 2018. This is an improvement from 53% in 2016 and this figure is constantly rising. This rapid growth has given rise to numerous mobile phone-enabled services (m-services) in the areas of...